موسوعه أدبية شاملة

teen spreads her legs for jock.https://fapfapfaphub.com

ترجمة الأستاذ عبد اللطيف غسري لقصيدة “إن الحياة تجارب” للشاعر محمد خير


ترجمة الأستاذ عبد اللطيف غسري لقصيدة “إن الحياة تجارب” للشاعر محمد خير

“إن الحياة تجارب” للشاعر محمد خير

لَمَّا ألَـمَّ بِـيَ الثِّقــاتُ تَصَـدَّعَـتْ
رُوحي وناحتْ في الدُّجَى الْعَبَراتُ

فَغَضَضْتُ طَرفِيَ عن وِصَـالٍ زائِفٍ
وَصْلُ الســرابِ سبيـلُهُ السَّكَــراتُ

مَجْمَجْتُ كِلْماتي وعُدتُ كَمَنْ بَنَىٰ
قَصْــرًا على رَمـْـلٍ، فَحِــيزَ شَتَـاتُ

كالشُّهْــبِ كانوا، بَيْدَ أنِّي خِلْتُهُـمْ
شمسًـا، ففـازَ بما إِخَــالُ مَمَــاتُ

ولَكَــمْ أَعَـرْتُهُــمُ الـــودادَ مَطِيَّــةً
وصدورُهُمْ تَغْلِــي بهــا الزَّفَــراتُ

إنْ كان في فَمِـيَ انسِـدادٌ فاعلموا
أَنْ حـالِيَ الصَّدَمـاتُ والحَسـراتُ

الآكِلُــونَ على مـــوائـدِ سِــيرَتي
سِــرًّا وتــأكلُ جَوْفَهُــمْ جَمْـــراتُ

ما بَـالُهُـمْ لمـا استَحَلُّـوا غَيْبَـتِي
فـاحـتْ بِــوَادِي غَيْظِهِـمْ غَيْبـاتُ

أكذا يكون جـزاء صَفْـوِي طعـنة
بَـــاءُوا بمــا أَنَّــتْ لَـهُ الطعنــاتُ

في ألف وجـهٍ قد أَتَوْا فتَكَشَّفَتْ
تلــك الوجـــوهُ، وأَلْســنٌ حَيَّــاتُ

وَقَفُـوا على عَتَبَاتِ حرفي، والحشا
قَيْـــحٌ، فأَهْـدَتْ غَـيْثَهـا العَتَبَاتُ

حتـى إذا فــازُوا بغـيثٍ مُسْتَهـى
راحُــوا بُطُــونًـا، وانتَشَـتْ نَكِــرَاتُ

ذا طَبْعُـهُمْ، والْمُنْكِـرُونُ الْفَضْـلَ لا
تَــأْمَنْ لهم، فَقَـرِيضُهُمْ صـرخـاتُ

والطبــعُ يَغْلـبُ مَن تَطَبَّـــعَ، إنمـا
هي سُنَّـــةٌ، وكـــذلك الآيـــاتُ

قد حَدَّثَنْني في القـوافي ظبيـةٌ
وحــديثُــها الأنــــداءُ والنســماتُ

قالت: هُــمُ زَبَــدٌ، وَوَحْيُكَ كـوثرٌ
وقلــوبُهُمْ عند الخَفَـــا ضَــرَّاتُ

هُمْ مِنْهُمُ فيهِمْ أتـاكَ مَقَالُهُمْ
وكذا الخِـــرَافُ تَسُوقُهُمْ لَـبُــؤَاتُ

لا تَعْتِبَـــنَّ علــى سمـــائِكَ، إنمـا
كالبــدر حــرفُكَ والـدُّنَــا هـالَاتُ

فاهْنَأْ بِـخَــيْرٍ أنتَ حامِلٌ اسْمَهُ
ومتى تُغَــرِّد تَنْحَنِ الصهــواتُ

إن الحيــاةَ تَجَــارِبٌ يا صـاحبي
والفوزُ في خَوْضِ التجاربِ (ذاتُ)

خُذْ مِن بَيـانِكَ يا مُحَمُّــدُ حكمـةً
ما كـلُّ مَن رامَ الوصـالَ ثِقَــاتُ

Life Experiences
By Mohamed Khair
Translated from Arabic by ABDELLATIF RHESRI

When the trustworthy ones dropped in
My soul got shaken
And eyes wailed in the darkness
I ignored a fake reunion
For it is like a delusion
And only leads to drunkenness
I regurgitated my words
And became like the one
Who had built a palace on sand
That soon turned into shambles
They were like shooting stars
Though I thought they were Suns
What I thought about them
Was doomed to death
How often I granted them my love
Like a horse for them to ride
While their chests
Were boiling with moans
If my mouth is shut, you know
The reason is that
I am shocked and heartbroken
Those who feast secretly
On gossiping about me
Let cinders feast on their viscera
Why have they dared to gossip
Until tittle-tattle has gushed
From the dale of their rage
Is this my reward
For being pure-souled
To stab me in the back
Let them moan
With even more stabs
In a thousand faces they came
Which were exposed
Into long-tongued snakes
They stood on
The threshold of my words
With pussy viscera
And turned back with
My threshold’s drizzle
As an abundant gift
Soon after they had gained
The abundance they wished for
They went back
With overstuffed bellies
And the anonymous ones rejoiced
That is their own nature
They are favour deniers
Never trust a favour denier
Their verse consists of mere screams
A leopard cannot change its spots
That is the law of nature
A deer-like wench
Talked to me in verse
Her words were dew and breeze
She said they are scum
And your inspired verse
Is an overflowing river
Their hearts in the dark
Are as venomous as co-wives
They only meant themselves
By their glib gossiping
Like lambs being
Goaded by lionesses
Do not blame your horizons
Your words are like moons
And all the worlds
Are halos around them
Enjoy the goodness after which
You were named
To your unique chanting
The horse backs shall bow down
Life is a set of experiences, Pal
Winning then is
A triumph for the soul
Get from your eloquent verses
One single wisdom
That not all who seek reunion
Are trustworthy indeed

التعليقات مغلقة.