ترجمة الأستاذ عبد اللطيف غسري لقصيدة إيحاءات الرؤى للشاعر القدير عبد العظيم الأحول
إيـحـاءاتُ الـرُّؤيــا …عبدالعظيم الأحول
فجر الخميس ٢٦ صفر ١٤٤٤ هـ ، ٢٢ أيلول٢٠٢٢م
يابلسَمَ النور هل لي في مَداكَ مَدَى ؟
أمشـي على شـائـكِ الأوزارِ مُـرتَـعِــدا
لـكِـنَّ شَـوقِي بِـكَـهـفِ الـرُّوحِ مُشتَعِلٌ
يَـكْـوِي الـحَـنِينَ بِـــهِ والقَلبَ والكَبِـدا
فـامنُـن على لهفتي بالـوَصلِ يا أمَـلِـي
يَـنـدَى الـجَـنـانُ ويُضحِي آمِنًـا رَغِـــدا
أسْرِى بِــرُوحِــي لِـنُـورٍ طـاهِــــرِ فَـأرَى
مِـعـراجَـها يَـرتَـقِـي للـطُّـهْـرِ مُـنـفَـــرِدا
مِن سِدرَةِ الـقَـوْلِ تَـهْمِي أدمُعِي وَجَـلًا
فلُـؤلُـؤُ الـحَـرفِ صـارَ الآنَ مُـبْـتَـعِدا !!
كأننِــي عَـصــفَــةٌ تَــرنُـــو لِـعـاصِـفِـهــا
كَـأنَّـنِــي قُـبْــلَــةٌ مـا صـادَفَـتْ أحَدا !!!
يابـن الـذَّبِـيـحَـيْـنِ لَيْتَ الفَدوَ يُدرِكُني
مِـن مِحنَـةٍ صَعَّدَتْ في الرُّوحِ ما صَعِدا
أو عَـنـكَـبُـوتًــا رَمَـى بِـالـبـابِ سُـدَّتَـــهُ
فَـأمَّــنَ الـغـــارَ مِـن حِـقــدٍ أتَـى وَبَــدا
أوْ غَـيْـمَـةً في جَـبِـيـنِ الـحَـرِّ تَـأنَـسُـهـا
إمّا مَـشَـيْتَ مَـشَـتْ ، أرخَتْ لَكَ الرَّشَدا
أو كَـرمَـةً _ في ثَقِيفٍ _ جِئتَ تَقصِدُهـا
أو دَمْــعَـــــةً إذ دَعَــــوْتَ اللهَ مُـتَّـئــــدا
يـالَـيْـتَـنِـي حُــلَّــةٌ مِن صَـدرِكَ انتَعَشَتْ
تَـعَــرَّقَتْ مِـن صُـنُـوفِ الطِّيبِ ما انزَرَدا
أو لَـيْـتَـنِـي صَـفـحَـةٌ في الأرضِ تَلثُمُهـا
بِـسَـجـدَةٍ أسْرَجَتْ في اللَّـيْـلِ ما اتَّـقَــدا
فَـتَـحـتَـوِيـنِـي مِـنَ الأنـفاسِ نَـسـمَـتُـهـا
وأجـتَـبِـي مِن رَبِيـعِ الـصَّـفـوِ مُـلـتَـحَـدا
تُـحِـيـلُـنِـي دَفـقَــةُ الـتَّسبيـحِ رابِـيَــــــةً
مـارَ الـجَــلالُ بِـهــا ، واللهُ مَــدَّ يَــــدا !!
أو لَـيـتَـنِـي مَـوْطِـئٌ في الجِذعِ أُبْتَ لَـهُ
لَـمّـا بَـكَـى رَبَّـتَــتْ يُـمـنــاكَ فـانـسَـعَـــدا
تـاقَــتْ فُـلُـولِـي إلَـى عَـيْـنَـيْكَ فالتَأمَـتْ
إذْ لُحتَ فـي خَـاطِـرِي والهَـمُّ راحَ سُـدَى
أطَـلَّ مِـن لَـهْـفَـتِــي جِـبـرِيـلُ قـافِـيَـتِـي
فَـمــا وَجَـدتُ بِـهِ غَـيْـثًـا كَـمـا وَجَــدا !!!
يـا سِـدرَةَ الـمُـنـتَـهَـى مِن شَوْقِ أوْرِدَتِـي
أوْرِقْ صَحـارَى دَمِـي ؛ أشتاقُ مِنكَ نَـدَى
وامـنَـح مَـواتَ الـحُـروفِ الآنَ شَهقَتَهـــا
واسْـكُـب بِـقَـلـبِ الـقَرِيضِ المُغرَمِ المَدَدا
إنِّــي غَــرِيـبٌ ، وقُـطـرُ الـنُّـورِ يُـنـكِـرُنِـي
فَـكُـن ضَـمِـيـنِـي وكُــن للـمُـتعَبِ البَـلَـــدا
أنـتَ الــرَّءوفُ الـرَّحِـيــمُ المُصطَفَــى أزَلًا
زَكّــاكَ رَبُّ الــوَرَى حَـتَّـى رَحِمـتَ عِـدا !!!
مِـن كُــلِّ فَـضـلٍ حَـوَيتَ الحُسنَ ؛ أنـضَرَهُ
والـحُـسنُ مِنكَ ازدَهَى والطِّيبُ فِيكَ شَدا
صَـنَـعـتَ ألْـــوِيَـــةً للـنُّـــــورِ فِـي زَمَـــــنٍ
عَــــزَّ الـجَـمــالُ بِــهِ ، والـكُـفـرُ ما رَقَـــــدا
تَـعَـبَّــدَتْ فِـي الــوَرَى بالـخَـيْـــرِ أفـئِــــدَةٌ
إبـلِـيــسُ فِـي غَـيِّــهِ أضـحَـى بِـهـا نَـكِـــدا
أرسَــتْ بِـنُــورِكَ فِـي الأنـحـاءِ كُـلَّ قِــــرًى
قَـــرَّ اللَّـهِـيــفُ بِــــهِ والـبِــرُّ قَـــد وُلِـــــــدا
نــارُ الـمَـجُوسِ انـطَـفَتْ في يَوْمِ مَـولِدِكُم
والـفُـحــشُ أطـفَـأتَــهُ والــثُّـلَّـةُ الـسُّـعَــــدا
كِـسـرَى وَقَـيـصَــرُ بـاتـــا فِـي مَـرابِـضِـنــــا
جُــرذَيْــنِ ذابــا أسًـى ؛ قَـد صـادَفـا أسَـــدَا
يــا مُــوجِـبــاتِ الـرِّضـا صَلِّي على سَـنَـدِي
شَـفِـيـعِـيَ الـمُـصطَـفَـى ، واستَقدِمِيـهِ غَـدا
عِـنـــدِي فُـؤادٌ نَـمـــا زَهْـرُ الـحَـنِـيــنِ بِـــــهِ
والـقِـطــفُ يَـهْـفُــو لِــرَوْضٍ في يَـدَيْـهِ بَــدا
أهـنـا بِـطَـلـعَـتِـهِ ، والـهَــــمُّ يَــهــجُــرُنِــــي
فِـي مَـــوْرِدٍ للـصَّـفـــا والـــعِــطـــرِ إن وَرَدا

The Dream Revelations
By Abdel Adhim Al Ahwal
Translated from Arabic by ABDELLATIF RHESRI
O light balm!
Shall I roam in your extent
Treading on prickly sins
And shivering
Yet, my yearning
In the soul cave is ignited
Burning with nostalgia
Both the heart and liver
So be as generous as to grant
My eager heart a meeting
For you are my only wish
A meeting that would
Pour on the heart
The dew of peace and welfare
I travel by night with my soul
Towards a pure light
Only to behold it soaring alone
To the firmament of purity
From the lote tree of words
My tears drop out of fear
As the word pearl now
Gets so faraway
As if I were a blast
That yearns for its creator
As if I were a kiss
That has encountered nobody
O Son of the two almost-slain ones
I wish the redemption slaughter
Would catch up with me
To redeem the soul
From a distress
That has mounted in it
I wish a spider would
Cast its web on the door
And secure the cave
From shown and hidden rancor
I wish a cloud
At the zenith of heat
Would accompany my soul
As it used to do
When it would shade your way
And pour guidance on you
Or a vine tree, in Thakif
Which you headed for
Or a tear that dropped
From your eyes as
You were quietly praying God
I wish I were a garment that
Would absorb refreshment
On your bosom
With your multi-fragrant sweat
I wish I were a spot on the ground
Which you would kiss
While prostrating and cooling
That hot night breeze
With your holy prayers
So I would be contained
With the coolest of breaths
And would resort
To the spring of purity
The flow of glorification
Would turn me to a hilltop
Blessed by gracefulness
And touched by God’s hand
Or rather I wish I were
A point of treading
Below the trunk to which
You turned back
And which your right hand
Patted with delight
As my remnants are longing
For your eyes
They get compact
When you show up in my thoughts
Distress fades away
My verse Gabriel has shown up
From the shatter of my eagerness
Yet, I have not attained
The relieving abundance
He is apt to attain
O Sidrat Al-Muntaha
(Lote Tree of the Utmost Boundary)
From my yearning veins
Get the desert in my blood
To blossom and bloom
I long for your blessed dew
And grant the dead words now
A bit of an inhalation
And pour in the loving heart of verse
A little bit of supply
I am a stranger
Whom the light diameter
Tends to estrange
So be my guarantor
And be an abode
For any tired one
You are forever the compassionate
Merciful, chosen one
God purified you so much that
You would show clemency
Even to an enemy
You had the best
Of every good and graceful trait
Your goodness was bountiful
And your fragrance was flourishing
You made the banners of light
In a time that lacked beauty
And lack of faith was dominant
So the hearts of many people
Were blessed
With worship and goodness
Until Satan got indignant
And was upset in his delusion
Your light was so spread
In all the hamlets that
Every earnest one was satisfied
And charity was generated everywhere
The Magi fire was extinguished
On the day you were born
And obscenities were abolished
Thanks to you and
Your most delighted companions
Khosrau and Caesar in our barns
Were turned into two sorrowful rodents
Encountered by a lion
O satisfaction assets
Pray on my only support
My Intersector, the Chosen one
And supplicate him
To come Tomorrow
I have got a heart
In which the flower of nostalgia
Has blossomed
And it yearns for picking buds
From an orchard
Grown on his hands
So that I can enjoy
His sacred appearance
And get rid of distress
At a fountain of
Purity and fragrance
If it ever comes there
For imbibing
التعليقات مغلقة.