ترجمة الأستاذ عبد اللطيف غسري لقصيدة “معشوقة أهواها ” للدكتورة وجيهة السطل
معشوقةٌ أهواها
١-قد عشتُ عُمري ما عشِقتُ سواها
وتدفَّقَتْ رُوحي تصوغُ رُؤاها
٢- مذ كنتُ ألهو في الطفولَةِ عشتُها
نغمًا يعانقُ مِسْمَعيَّ صداها
٣-وسَمِعْتُها تزهو بأجمَلِ حُلَّةٍ
قرآنِ ربي، بالبيانِ حباها
٤- يتلوهُ شيخٌ قد رَواني علْمُه
لُغَتي تعَهَّدَ في الصِبًا ورعَاها
٥- أُصغي لأسمعَ في الليالي صوتَه
يتلوهُ قُرآنًا يزيدُ عُلاها
٦- رحِمَ الإلهُ الشيخَ أحمدَ والدي
لولاهُ يومًا لمْ أَفُزْ برضاها
٧- مُذ كنت يافعةً، سقاني حُبَٓها
فحملتُ شعلتَها ،عشِقتُ ضِياها
٨- دلِّلتُها وسبَحُتُ في أمواجِها
وشربتُها، ونَعِمْتُ من ريّاها
٩- لغتي عشِقتُ فيا مشاعرُ هلِّلي
لاتسألوني كم أنا أهواها
١٠- رقَّتْ وأبدعَتِ الجمالَ حروفُها
وروَتْ فؤادي من نَميرِ رُواها
١١- فكتبتُها شعرًا وكنتُ صغيرةً
وغذوتُها حرفًا زَهَا تيَّاها
١٢- أسماءُ أجملُ من تكلَّمَ، واحتوى
لغةً،وكُلَّ حنانِه أعطاها
١٣- كانتْ مُعلِّمَتي رعاني حِضنُها
سَقَتِ الغراسَ وأحسَنَتْ مرعاها
١٤- وتعهَّدتْ شِعري وكنت صبيَّةً
وبَراعِمي ما فتَّحَتْ لولاها
١٥-تابعتُ دربي في الحياةِ أُجِلُّها
وأذوقُ من شهدِ الحروفِ جناها
١٦- لغتي سميري بل نسيجُ هُويَّتي
وكطيبِ شَهدٍ في الجِنانِ جَناها
١٧- لُغتي سَموْتُ بحبِّها فتألَّقتْ
منّي المشاعرُ عذْبُها وجواها
١٨- لغةٌ بها تسمو العقولُ وترتقي
تَعيا المعاجمُ عن بلوغِ مَداها
١٩- لنْ يستطيعَ الشعرُ جنيَ كنوزِها
والنثرُ يلهثُ كي يَطالَ سماها
٢٠- هي دوحةٌ في ظِلِّها تحلو الرؤى
فيظلُّ يعبَقُ بالشذا معناها
٢١- أصواتُها عزفٌ يَلَذُّ سماعُه
إنْ عاشقٌ أصغى لها وتلاها
٢٢- وتوافُقٌ في الجَرْسِ بينَ حُروفِها
إعرابُها أعطى الحروفَ بهاها
٢٣٩- أَجدَادُنا مَنْ أشبَعُوها عِزَّةً
من فَيضِ مجدِهِمُ زَهَتْ تتباهى
٢٤- لم يهمِلوها بلْ تَسَابقَ سعيُهمْ
وبكلِّ فرعٍ في العلومِ سَقاها
٢٥- والحرفُ أَزْهَرَ في رياضِ ذَكائِهِم
نَقَلَ العُلومَ بِدِقَّةٍ وَحَواها
٢٦- لغةٌ تحدَّثَ عن خَصائصِها الأُلى
عَرَفُوا اللغاتِ وأدرَكوا مغزاها
٢٧- لا ينطَوِي موجُ الحُروفِ بنُطقِها
فَلَها شواطِئُ حدَّدَتْ أقصاها
٢٨- وبِحارُها أصدافُ دُرٍّ تزدَهي
بِلآلئٍ، كم نشتهي مرآها
٢٩- في كلِّ إبداعٍ تجلَّى سِحرُها
وعلى اللغاتِ بجَرسِها زكَّاها
٣٠- أصواتُها لاتحتوي مُتَنافِرًا
تختارُ من نَغَماتِها أصفاها
٣١- تخْتالُ عُجْبًا في رداءِ رَشاقةٍ
ويُضيءُ أروِقَةَ الحديثِ سَناها
٣٢- واليوم -وا أسفاه- ضلَّتْ دربَها
إذ ضلَّ سعيُ الحاملين لِواها
٣٣- نَصرُوا عليها ألْسُنًا مُعوَجَّةً
وعنِ الفصاحَةِ كَمَّموا الأفواها
٣٤- ألغَوا من التعليمِ سَردَ حُروفِها
بقراءةٍ تُعطي الحُروفَ مداها
٣٥- واختلَّ ميزانُ التذَوُّقِ عندَهم
فحَشَوا مناهجَنا بما أعماها
٣٦- رسَمُوا على الجُدرانِ أحرفَ غيرِها
لحُروفِها طَمَسُوا، فلست تراها
٣٧-وإذا تراءَتْ مرّةً مكتوبةً
أخطاؤُهُمْ كم تستبيحُ دماها
٣٨- وإذا استفاقُوا مرَّةً من غَيِّهم
نَطقُوا الحروفَ فأخطأوا مجْراها
٣٩- فمُرقَّقٌ تَبدو بنُطقِهِ غِلظةٌ
ومُفخَّمٌ بمُيوعةٍ قد تاها
٤٠- عصَفَ البلاءُ، فهلْ لنا من عَودةٍ
لِرُبوعِها الغنَّاءِ ما أرقاها
٤١- هي وَاحَتي وهي النعيمُ لمُهجتي
وبها ملكتُ مِنَ المحبَّةِ جاها
٤٢- مهما تَآمرتِ الخصومُ لوأْدِها
تَشْمخْ مُعزَّزةً تصونُ حِماها
٤٣- فاللهُ أَلْبَسَها الخلودَ بذكرِه
وَعدًا عليه بحِفْظِها
شعر: د.وجيهة السطل

My Beloved One
Translated from Arabic by: ABDELLATIF RHESRI (Morocco)
I have lived all my life, loving none but it
My soul flowing and forging its visions
Since childhood, playing around
I have lived through its love
Like a melody whose echo
Keeps embracing my ears
And I have heard it boasting
With the best of all garments
The one that is made from the word of God
And from eloquence that is granted to it by God
The Quran, being recited by a sheikh
From whom I have acquired my language
Since the time I was young
When I would hear his voice every night
Reciting the Quran
And increasing its sense of glory
God bless the soul of my father, Sheikh Ahmed
Had it not been for him
I would not have once won
The grace of its satisfaction
Since I was young, he poured its love into me
Since then, I carried its torch and adored its light
I pampered it and swam in its waves
I imbibed it and enjoyed its fragrance
The one I love is my language
O my emotions! Rejoice
Do not ask me how much I love it
Its letters were so tender
That they created beauty
And quenched my heart’s thirst
For the fresh flavour of its visions
So I wrote it down in the form of poetry
And fed its letters till
They became proud and boastful
Asmae, the prettiest one who
Spoke and embraced a language
And gave it all the tenderness she had
She was a teacher of mine
Who took me in her bosom
She would water the plant of care
And take the best care of it
She cared for my poetry when I was young
My buds would never have blossomed
Had it not been for her
I pursued my path of life venerating her
And tasting the honey of words she yielded
My mother tongue is my lifetime companion
And the real fabric of my identity
And the fruits it yields
Are as fragrant as those of orchards
My mother tongue whose love
Holds my head high
And renders my emotions bright
Those that are sweet
And the bitter ones as well
A language that ennobles all minds
And all glossaries fall short of its range
Poetry is never able to encompass its treasures
And prose breathlessly tries to reach its horizons
It is a lofty tree in whose shade
Visions appear to be sweet
And its meanings taste flavorous
Its sounds are melodies very sweet to hear
For a lover who listens and rehearses it
And the harmony of its sonorous letters
With the parsing that makes the words
Even more glamorous
Our forefathers granted it much glory
Of which it is now boastful
They had never neglected it, and they vied with each other
Just to water it with all kinds of knowledge
Until the words flourished
In the meads of their intelligence
And precisely encompassed all sciences
A language highly acclaimed
By those who grasped the value of languages
The waves of words never cover its ocean
For its shores are imaginably wide and distant
Its oceans are full of jewels and pearls
We tremendously crave to see
In all genres of art, its magic is evident
And rises above all other languages
Its sounds never go in dissonance
They rather sound melodious and harmonious
It struts boastfully in the garment of elegance
And its glamour lightens the galleries of speech
Yet, today, unfortunately it is going astray
As its banner- holders have gone astray
They took the side of crooked languages
And gagged all mouths against its eloquence
They abolished from all education programs
The smooth rehearsing of its alphabet
That would make it meaningful
Their balance of taste was tilted
And they staffed our education systems
With things that rendered it blind
They depicted foreign letters on the walls
And rubbed off its letters
Until they were nowhere to be seen
And if they were once seen written
Their errors therein shed its holy blood
And if they once woke up from their delusion
They would mistakenly utter its letters
Reducing what had to be magnified
And magnifying what had to be reduced
Distress has struck, will we ever return
To its high-class all-green meadows
It is an oasis for me, and bliss for my soul
With my love of it I live in exultation
No matter how hard the enemies
Plot to destroy it
It rises up victoriously and defends its sanctuary
Allah has blessed it with perpetual life
In his holy scriptures
And granted it his promise to safeguard it
التعليقات مغلقة.